Freemasonry is an initiaton society, using ancient, time-tested rituals. The lodges work in a system of three degrees: apprentice, journeyman and master. Each new member experiences his solemn entry in his own way, depending on personal disposition, background and views on major questions of life. It all seems like play, and in a way it is. But an elevated role-play with deep values and meanings, which the participant has to discover for himself. It can help him get to know himself better and find his answers to questions about the Why and Wherefore of his existence. Generally, with sufficient diligence, the apprentice is promoted to companion after a year. Then self-development and serving one's fellow man are central to the ritual. After another year, elevation to master can take place. The master degree refers to willingness to sacrifice out of love for one's fellow man and teaches the Freemason to place himself in the right relationship with the Supreme Master. Together, the three rituals depict man's life journey from darkness to Light.
Freemasonry offers searching people in a familiar environment a method of meaning-making that, with the help of rituals and symbols, leads to self-development, brotherhood and therefore a better society.