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The Lodge

The lodge: an association of ‘spiritual builders’.

Anyone who wants to become a freemason applies to a lodge. 

Dutch Freemasonry has about 5,500 members, united in 150 or so lodges; so on average, a lodge has over 40 members.

Freemasonry's purpose, organisational form and symbolic method were once derived from the medieval building trade. Following the example of earlier cathedral builders, Freemasons now practise the building trade in a spiritual sense. With their like-minded ideals, Freemasons feel united in an order of ‘spiritual builders’.

The lodges are autonomous associations in the sense of the law, with notarised statutes and regulations. They generally meet weekly or fortnightly. ‘Lodge’ also means the physical space in which Freemasons meet.

Anyone who becomes a member of a lodge simultaneously becomes a member of the Order of Freemasons. That term ‘order’ here is similar to ‘Order of Medical Specialists’ or ‘Order of Lawyers’: a grouping of people with the same profession.

Foundations and organisations within and around Freemasonry

Maçonniek Studiefonds

Maçonniek Studiefonds

The Maçonniek Studiefonds provides support to children of freemasons who, due to lack of means, would not be able to follow that education corresponding to their capabilities.

Stichting Welzijnszorg Van Maren Fonds

Stichting Welzijnszorg Van Maren Fonds

The Stichting Welzijnszorg Van Maren Fonds (VMF) focuses on providing tangible and intangible support to Freemasons, their partners and their surviving relations in the first degree.

 Stichting Ritus en Tempelbouw

Stichting Ritus en Tempelbouw

The foundation focuses on the study of Freemasonry, its history and its method in the broadest sense. It focuses in particular on the Order of Freemasons under the Greater East Netherlands.

Stichting Maçonniek Bouwfonds

Stichting Maçonniek Bouwfonds

The aim of the Stichting Maconniek Bouwfonds - established in 1966 - is to provide loans to Lodges and Foundations for the purpose of purchasing, remodelling, renovating and carrying out overdue maintenance of lodge buildings.

Louisa Stichting

Louisa Stichting

The Louisa Foundation supports initiatives that help children in dire circumstances develop into self-sufficient adults who can contribute to society.

Johanna Heilina Stichting

Johanna Heilina Stichting

The Johanna Heilina Stichting provides financial assistance to widows and daughters of deceased freemasons.

Stichting Vrienden van Verzamelingen van de Orde van Vrijmetselaren

Stichting Vrienden van Verzamelingen van de Orde van Vrijmetselaren

The Stichting Vrienden van Verzamelingen van de Orde van Vrijmetselaren (VVO) aims to promote the conservation and expansion of the Masonic collections housed in the Vrijmetselarij Museum

Stichting FAMA Fraternitatis

Stichting FAMA Fraternitatis

The Stichting FAMA Fraternitatis provides publications on current topics concerning Freemasonry and is intended for Freemasons and interested outsiders.

Stichting Huize Het Oosten

Stichting Huize Het Oosten

The Stichting Huize Het Oosten is a centre for intra- and extra-mural care for Freemasons, widows of Freemasons, members of the Order of Weavers and the Order Le Droit Humain.

Stichting Maçonnieke Familie Kampen

Stichting Maçonnieke Familie Kampen

The Stichting Maçonnieke Familie Kampen is responsible for organising an annual camping weekend for Masons, their partners and children.

MMC Groot Licht!!!

MMC Groot Licht!!!

GrootLicht!!! is an informal group of Freemasons who enjoy motorcycling, together with fellow Freemasons from many different lodges, majorities and nationalities, and with men and women, non-Masons, as accompanying guests.

Orde van Weefsters

Orde van Weefsters

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